In the country of India , Chennai the capital of Tamilnadu,  I was born and brought up in Christian family in the city called Arumbakkam. After  the age of 12  I never have ever gone to the church  with good conscience and  spirit  of piety.  My main aim was to get educated,  switch over to business, and build up life. I have done my schooling in St. George Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School. While I was in the school, I had  very contemptible bad habits. In the year 1989 , one of my class-mates  and another class-mate who involved in the business   met with death in one and the same year.

Their death was the reason for the change of my mind.  All my thinking of  Earning good sum, leading a comfortable life, possession of was broken.  I had to read other religious books in order to search for the truth of life. I began to read the Bible kept in my house.  Among all books, in Bible alone  it was clear regarding history of the creation of the World; creation of man;  the history of Lord Jesus Christ who came to redeem man who has committed sin;  having died on the cross of calvary  and rose up from the tomb on the 3rd day . When I read all these things  I had a hope.  It  is pleased me to know  Jesus Christ Holy life ,faithful life , life of His martyrdom  and His sacrifice  for man. One day in  1989, as I was reading these ,  I had a vision of Christ.  One day  I had received a loving sound of Jesus. Afterwards, in the year 1989, 11th month, 12th date night, I prayed to Jesus to forgive my sins and then repented. In the year 1990 I had received baptism, and anointment .

Many a time, having seen  dream vision  of the high-calling of God and having confirmed it, I have committed myself to the full time ministry in the year 1993 onwards.

Scenario of our Church

In the beginning, by the Grace of God , with a vision , God has sent us to a  place where there was no gospel message. God has inspired us to form a team of friends who ,hitherto,have not been able to preach the gospel. We have done follow up  wherever we have preached the gospel, bring the souls under the fold of salvation, and God strengthened us to purchase a plot to build churches. Like this, day by day , having preached the gospel , here & there we have planted the churches  and today, by the grace of God,  there are more than 30 places churches are built and being built , too.  Still we have sent our teams to many places to preach, to follow up, planting  of churches and this is on continuously.    In such churches planted ,  those who have committed  to full time ministry,  we educate them on Bible  for  two years  and send them to those churches  established .

With the strength of God  and with the support of  believers,  ministries are growing.   Wherever, we have put up small building  we are making it bigger. The Headquaters Church at Arumanthai  situated in 120000 sq. ft. or 2 ¾  acre,  which will accommodate 1000 people, being built now.

Without nothing , we started in lowly way , now it is growing giant leap forward. For this, In the early stage, Sis. Flory Solomon  family, in Chennai, was responsible for this growth as they lent  part premises to  kick start gospel prayer team.   May the Lord bless them .

Through this organization, we have appointed more than 500 gospel preachers .   More than 100 full time ministers.   Our organization was responsible for placement of  missionaries. To North India, we have sent some missioneris,  having anointed them,  and support them. too   

We encourage the believes, through this ministry,  to do  their mite for God . We activate the  church to show their works  to help One Church to plant one church.  By the grace of God, we strive to ensure

that many Lakhs of people be saved. We also involved in community welfare schemes  like openings for employment, free marriages, and facility for education.