1. Gospel outreach

Gospel ministry started in the year1990 in Chennai , forming a team of few christian friends. Where there is no gospel in Tamilnadu, selective villages, one in a month, either one day or two days ministry or sometimes, where there is utmost necessity to plant a church, we camp for a week for gospel ministry without a break. Till date, approximately, with the help of 15 teams within 23 years, more than11000 villages we have met both in Tamilnadu and other states.

We spread the gospel preaching in villages of mountains, in the forest and the villages in North India as well as in all places. Those who are interested may take part in it. It is interdenominational . Gospel ministry is Jesus Christ’s gigantic movement. God commissioned to preach to all creatures . St Paul says that preaching the gospel is the duty fallen on my head. Our church cordially invite you to preach the gospel. You can join with our ministry and get the blessings of God.

2. Church planting ministry

God’s gospel ministry is the beginning . Church ministry is the end and the ministry we receive. Receiving God’s plan in all completeness is Church. It is necessity to plant a church so that saved people may come to church, learn tersely, faithful, holy life, praying life, worship and anointing in order to become spotless sanctified souls. After preaching the gospel, two people will be sent to do the follow up for winning 50 souls and after that, at the expense of Rs. 50,000/- we put up a covered shed Church. After saving 100 souls, we build a church worth 2,00,000/- Later, when more than 200 people , we build a large size church with concrete (RCC roof). Those who have desire may participate in the church planting ministry. In case you have a desire in your life to build out to us a church, we have many ministry fields being run, you may personally come and see the ministry fields , we are giving you a chance to
enable build a church.

3. Good Samaritan Ministry

Orphans who do not have either mother or father, widows, poverty stricken, and sick , with due care with all humility we will enquire and help them through the church. The aged widows we keep, wherever our churches are, and take care of them . (Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? – James 2:15, 16).

We keep sick, devil possessed in the church, till such time they deliver and get healing , we pray and have been able to sustain them. Yearly we give monetary help to some children and help them to study . Over and above, we make required house and clothing.

Somehow , the poor in our church to need be blessed is our faith and prayer. Now-a-days, through our organization, many houses of the poor are getting changed.

4. Counselling Ministry

We have undertaken this ministry for an individual, an individual in his youth and confused families . In the year 2005 we have started ministry as it is paramount importance . Healthy and wealthy families are factors for church revival. This kind of family counselling is indispensable so that the Charity, love, and relationship of Husband, wife, & children may not disappear. There was awakening among the confused men and women through this ministry. Every Tuesday we are giving counselling to women .For men, every Friday evening 6.00 to night 8.30 counselling being given. Every year in the month of January, during Pongal holidays we conduct family union camp and Bible study taught. Through this , many families have become praying families. By the grace of God , there was awakening among the people got confused and went towards committing suicide. In case, you need counselling for the blessing of your family, you may take part in it . Timings Tuesday Morning 11.00 to 1.00 PM.

Prayer Cell Ministry

“I exhort therefore , that, first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men” (1 Timothy 2:1)

Prayer group being conducted in believer’s house. So that they help, those who do not know God, to walk towards faith. Through Cornelius many people have faith in Jesus. Believers, invite those living around them people and friends and help them to learn the love of our Lord Jesus Christ You make your house a miniature church to enable pave way for salvation of souls. This hidden miniature church service should spread like a wild fire and if you have become ripened believers, to begin in your house a prayer cell, you can contact Sis. Mariyal Phone no.(8015432080) Let many people come to heaven through you.

  1. Magazine ministry

2008 year onward this magazine ministry was inaugurated
In order to give exhortations and clear-cut doctrine to many believers this magazine ministry started. Many secret christians , who are not able to come to the church, are benefited through this magazine . Believers are able to know, through this magazine, the ministries, general prayer points and pray therefor. In case you desire for this
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magazine please do contact through our E-Mail: ministryamm@yahoo.com and website : www.ammministries .org
with addresses, we shall send this magazine and booklets .

  1. Marriage Bureau
    Apprx for the last 10 years this Exchange has been working by name & style “ADAMEVE” so that it will be helpful to our believers to select life patners of good , experienced spiritual background . This Marriage Bureau was inaugurated in 2003 . Right now we have more than 300 informations available . In case you need alliance for your son and daughters you can come to AMM Church No.23, Ambedkar street, Arumbakkam, Chennai-600 106 with detailed profile/bio-data and register the same by paying registration fee Rs.25/- After registration , we shall help you to have access to our bureau on alliance information. Regisration timings : Tuesday and Friday afternoon hours 1.00 to 5.00
  2. Sunday school ministry
    Every Sunday we set apart timings, we are imparting Bible knowledge, decent discipline , good character, growth oriented mindset , cleanliness and hygienic knowledge , & teach them to pray. All these things are educated thorugh Sunday school . Every year in the month of April esp.summer holidays , for 10 days continuously, we are teaching Bible lessons, new songs,skit games, and Bible Quiz and thereby we make them to understand the will of God at this young age . At the end of the holidays, we encourage them by giving glamorous prizes . As a result, children are obedient at home. They keep houses spick and span , They are good at praying which is the feedback we get from their parents This school is beneficial both for believers’ children and for those who do have knowledge of God.
  3. Youth Ministry
    Born-again youth girls and boys are formed as a team and they go to slum area in Chennai, on every Sunday between 3.00 to 6.00 , especially in the evening hours, meet the people addicted to drinking , opium and such sort of people who are slaved to all bad habits , our youth putting their efforts for their rehabilitation. Likewise we take the Gospel message to schools, colleges and unresting
    youth girls & boys .In the month of December , on account of Christmas we call youth girls & boys both gender and call them along with their friends house to house, we preach the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ,with play, film show, hospitality and prizes
    thus we have been proclaiming the name of the Lord . Those who are jointly involved in the youth ministry , we teach them the lesson meant for gospel preaching and utilising them ably.

10 .Bible Lessons training ministry
A few are havng a desire to do the ministry but they do not know how to put into action. Interested ones may undergo training for 1 year,2 years and 3 years to learn Bible lessons . Over and above the lessons , they are being taught as to how to preach the gospel; how to approach the ministry, and discipline in doing the ministry. Having born -again experience, anointing ,and desire to do the ministry . they won’t be able to do it rightly . Reason being as the word of God says like this; Paul (Acts 9:27,28) in this place 3 years he was going and coming and learnt the Bible lessons and discourses.

Having saved, after the lapse of 8 years he was not able to do proper ministry. After learning the discourses at the feet of Apostles only , spirit of God used him powerfully . You, too, need to understand the bible lessons and having understood lessons only you are fit for the action ably . We are cordially inviting to learn. In order to learn, contactable phone nos are 8015432080, 9751305577.

  1. Telephone, E-mail,Website ministry.
    Those who are interested in doing the actions sitting out at home, men, women, aged, and educated, you can take part in this ministry.
    For those who will not be able to go out, training and the required data will be given to you. By the Grace of God this ministry growing leaps and bounds. To take part in it we cordially invite you .